We were faced with two unique goals from Insulet and A.M. Leonard, both requiring customized solutions for their Meta advertising campaign challenges. Insulet sought to improve the efficiency of lead generation efforts by optimizing advertising spend and attracting more qualified leads. A.M. Leonard was looking to elevate advertising performance across Meta platforms, as the client faced inconsistencies and cost-related concerns in their e-commerce campaigns. With a solution to each of these challenges, both clients aimed to maximize the impact of their advertising investments and drive better results in the healthcare industry.
To address the outlined Meta campaign issues, we implemented a two-pronged approach using Advantage+ Shopping Campaigns (ASC). For the lead generation obstacle, we deployed ASC-LG, and for the e-commerce objectives, we utilized ASC-P with a focus on product catalogs. We then conducted a comparative analysis, evaluating the performance of these ASC campaigns against their respective business-as-usual (BAU) campaigns. By leveraging Meta’s advanced algorithms, we optimized ad delivery across Facebook, Instagram, and Audience Network, tailoring our strategies to each specific need.
For A.M. Leonard’s e-commerce campaigns, ASC-P delivered impressive results with a 33% lower cost per purchase compared to BAU campaigns. It maintained a consistent cost per purchase even with fluctuating spend and showed a 44% lower cost per purchase when using catalogs compared to BAU. On the other hand, for Insulet’s lead generation, ASC-LG performed comparably to BAU campaigns in terms of lead volume and efficiency. Notably, Audience Network played a crucial role, contributing 40% of qualified leads while representing 41% of spend. When Audience Network was enabled on BAU campaigns to match ASC platforms, BAU performance improved in both lead volume and efficiency, highlighting the effectiveness of the customized ASC approach for both e-commerce and lead generation objectives.